a resource for parents and students
The origins of the Grandma Becky Concert
The first pupil concert was scheduled in February 1998. Sadly, a few days before the concert, my Grandma, who was known as Becky, passed away. As she was such a music lover and would have loved such an occasion, I named the concert after her. It has been known as the Grandma Becky music concert ever since.
The Grandma Becky Music Concert is an annual event for the purpose of giving my students an opportunity to perform. This is a very important aspect of learning an instrument and provides excellent motivation and goal setting for students. It is also very good preparation for exams and any public appearances in the future.
It has, over the years, also provided a great opportunity for fund raising as all proceeds from each concert are donated to Great Ormond Street Childrens’ Hospital. To date we have raised £4,255.84. It feels good to be able to raise money for a children's charity with children's concerts.