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Practice tips - keyboard

Choose a sensible time
It's a good idea to set a particular time each day to practise. The BEST time is in the morning before school. Most of you could get up 5 or 10 minutes earlier each morning and practise then. That way it's done and out of the way in the morning as part of your daily routine. So it won't interfere with your homework or that very important TV programme!
Getting stuck
If you are getting stuck on a particular section of the music, DON'T keep going back to the beginning. Sort out the problem by playing smaller sections and making sure they are right before you continue. Get it right 2 or 3 times before you move on. On the keyboard, slow the tempo right down to give yourself time to think about the notes and the counting. On the piano - just slow down!
How much practice should you do?
As a beginner, you need only practise a few minutes every day - but every day is the key! As you get more advanced and are working towards exams you should be practising between 10 and 20 minutes every day. That's every day!