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a resource for parents and students

Here is an Instrument and Rhythm Wordsearch for you to try. The words can be written up, down, sideways or diagonally. Print the page and cross off the words from the list as you find them. When you have crossed off all the words, you will find there are some letters left over. Write them out and you will find a message from me! If you want to - you can email me the message to see if you are right!
Country, Bassoon
Rock, Saxaphone
March, Harp
Waltz, Guitar
Disco, Vibraphone
Tango, Piano
Ska, Organ
Pop, Xylophone
Enka, Violin
Adria, Clarinet
Mask, Oboe
Hop, Trumpet
Rag, Drums
Salsa, Accordion
Bop, Jive
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