a resource for parents and students
Face-to-Face or Digital Exam
What to take to an exam
There a few items that you need to take with you to the exam. Mostly this is obvious - but less so for keyboard exams. This is also based on Trinity exams - not any other board.
For Keyboard
the keyboard itself
the music rest
the power adaptor
your music
your exam entry sheet to be given to the examiner
Usually, I am present at the majority of exams in order to support the students and also to provide a smoother transition between candidates by setting up each keyboard. If this is the case, you will not need to take a keyboard stand as I will have taken mine. If, however, I cannot be at the exam then you will need your own keyboard stand.

For Guitar
your guitar
your footstool (usually provided but best to have your own)
your music
your exam entry sheet
Please look very carefully at the time on your entry sheet where you will also find the address of the venue. You will need to be there 15 minutes before the stated time.
Good Luck!

Digital exam
As a result of the covid pandemic, both Trinity and ABRSM have developed digital exams. This involves providing a recording of your pieces and/or technical work. The recording must be made in one session without any break or editing and can be recorded on a phone or tablet. For both Trinity and ABRSM, the syllabus is slightly different to that of a face-to-face exam. For ABRSM, you need to prepare 4 pieces, not 3, but there's no technical work required at all. For Trinity, it's still 3 pieces but the technical work is pre-selected rather than randomly selected during the exam. Neither involves sight reading or any musical knowledge or aural tests. For many, this is a big bonus!
The entry is made the same way online, but the pupil then has 2 weeks to submit the upload. The results generally arrive more quickly.